Saturday, October 8, 2011

Soviets Train 'Em Young

The foundation of every state is the education of its youth.
-Diogenes Laertius

Everybody knows how Russian gymnasts are always incredible in the Olympics. Well the other day, I went on a bike ride with Mark so he could go fishing in a little pond. On the other side of the pond was a pretty old and decrepit playground. It was actually pretty gross, and I would hope nobody would ever let their child play there. I went straight for a bench so I could do my homework while Mark fished, and this is what I found:

Beer can and cigs. Nice. So here I was at an abandoned playground, now the hang out place for immature teens. The sad part is, that might not be true. I bet a lot of kids still play here, but it was eerily empty while I was there, so being the easily distracted person that I am, after I did some homework, I explored a little bit. 

Once I took a closer look I noticed these beauties. The ring things from the Olympics! How interesting that among all of the other pieces of entertainment, this was just casually there. I can see some completely jacked little six-year-old hanging upside-down on these, laughing along with his other friends. Makes it easy to envision our twenty-six year old buddy in the Olympics. 

This was just around the corner. Now I know its brainwashing. "Hey little Vlad, let's compete with Alexi and see who has the coolest tricks!" That's exactly how they wanted them to think. THAT, ladies and gents is how you build an army. Well, an army of Olympiads. 

So friends, come to Russia. I miss you, and together we will discover lots of Stalin's grand ideas. It'll be fun, promise. Until next time, до свидания!