Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Spring!

Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn. -Lewis Grizzard

Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" -Robin Williams

Well, friends, there ya have it! March marks the beginning of Spring in Moscow. The "party" to which Williams is referring is called Maslenitsa. At this celebration, loud music is played and a doll representing Winter is burned. They also eat pancakes.

SO, just thought I'd attach a picture of the beautiful spring weather! It's pretty hard to tell, but it's snowing and quite windy. But, Grizzard, if you wanna wake up and go party in the March wind, all the Russians are doing it!

That's pretty much a perfect depiction of what Moscow looks like for most of Winter. Cold, dark, snowy, and overcast. At least it's warmed up though! It's right about freezing currently. The other day, we hit -33C. Yes, I'll be able to tell my grandchildren that I walked to school in that. So come to Moscow so you, too, can tell your kids stories about your nose hairs freezing when you walk outside! Until next time, до свидания!